You are welcome to the Men’s arm of RCCG Overcomers House, Swindon where we prioritise our relationship with God, our Father above everything else.

We strongly believe that we are male by birth, but we are men by choice. So we choose and chase
after becoming all we can be in God.

The Men’s Fellowship of RCCG Overcomers House, Swindon, is vibrant and growing.

We passionately embrace excellence.

The goal of this fellowship is to equip men to grow in the knowledge of Christ, our saviour. This will help us to move rhythmically and easily with one another, efficient and graceful in response to Christ, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ. Eph. 4:13 (MSG

We meet every Monday from 9 – 10 pm to reason and pray together in building our lives to the full essence of our creation. We also pray for our community to experience the peace of our God and transformation in every sense, to see a city whose builder and maker is the Lord, our God. Hebw. 11:10.

We strongly are role models to our younger generation. This guides them into the path of irrefutable success and to becoming exemplary leaders, and role models among their mates.

If you are new here, we’ll be so glad to meet with you, and we really hope you will be in touch so we can together champion the cause of our maker to this dying world.

Together, WE CAN!

Remain blessed.
Olusola Adeloye, President